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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Tuk Tuk (Motor driver to travel around Siem Reap)

To travel, you have many choices. Tuk-Tuk is the best choice to travel around city. You can see every where and every things while you are on the trips. It is slower than the car. Let you immediatly decide to stop where ever you want.
Tuk tuks are also more expensive than motos, but worth the expense. Here are a few tips for taking tuk tuks:
Learn the pagodas and markets. Most tuk tuk drivers seem to have only a loose grasp of the geography of the area they work in and are not familiar with the sort of landmarks that Westerners generally use. For example, telling a tuk tuk driver a street name and cross street will often result in a blank stare. But tuk tuk drivers will almost always know the names of the local markets and pagodas (wats), so it’s good to know which one you live closest to and give directions from there.Read More >>>
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